Annabel Langbein
For the past 30 years, Annabel Langbein has been a household name in New Zealand. Celebrated Kiwi cook and culinary queen, Annabel has published over 30 cookbooks, and co-produced three seasons of her award-winning television series. It’s always been Annabel’s mission to inspire others to cook simple, healthy meals. Her lighthearted down-to-earth approach, no-fail recipes, and kitchen tips have earned her a passionate international following.

Rose Langbein
Growing up in a culinary household, Rose has always been passionate about food and nature. Like many of her generation, Rose cares deeply about the environment and sustainability and spends as much of her time outdoors as possible — camping, hiking, and exploring the natural world.

The Joys of Nature
The natural world is continually awe-inspiring, humbling, and incredibly beautiful. We seek to share this with you as much as we can, whenever we can.

Life’s too short to hide behind a screen all day. We spend as much time as we can exploring Aotearoa and the rest of world, and want to bring you along on this journey.

Whilst it’s become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years, living sustainbly has always been at the core of what we do. From sharing advice on how to grow your own food, eat seasonally, reduce waste, and connect with nature—it’s all done with the mindset that we only have one home, and we need to look after it.

Everyday Rituals
There are so many small things you can do, regardless of your budget, to make your life feel more full. From the beauty of a single flower, to a candlelit dinner or a meal outside rather than in-front of the TV — weaving these everyday rituals into your life is a way to make you and your community feel nourished and cared for.

Our Kitchen is Powered by Kenwood
We are thrilled to announce that we are official brand ambassadors for the De'Longhi Group — which includes the beloved Kenwood, De’Longhi & Braun.
We both grew up cooking with the family Kenwood. Annabel grew up learning to bake with her mother and her trusty Kenwood and some of Rose’s earliest food memories are with Annabel in the kitchen asking to lick the Kenwood beater after making meringues or a chocolate cake. We’ve got so many great family photos and memories of Rose and Sean (Rose’s brother) as toddlers covered in cake mixture or meringue and having so much fun.
For both of us, our love for cooking started with a love for baking — discovering the magic of chemistry as a handful of ingredients turns into something spectacular. There’s such an easy and rewarding pleasure in being able to create special things for the people you care about.
Our trusty Kenwood mixer is something that’s been in our kitchen and our lives forever and will be for many more years to come. That’s what makes this partnership feel so authentic. It’s such a useful piece of equipment that’s truly built to last a lifetime, and can be passed on from one generation to another, much like the joy of cooking. We are really excited about the projects we have planned for the future, and can’t wait to share these with you.