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Apricot and Brandy Glazed Ham
The brandy in this glaze combines with the apricot jam to make the ham wonderfully moist and succulent. Store unused ham in the fridge wrapped in a clean muslin bag or clean tea towel soaked in water or lemonade. Don’t wrap in plastic.
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
50 mins
Special Occasions
Gluten Free
Nut Free
Dairy Free
1 whole cooked leg ham, bone in or out
a small handful of whole cloves
1 cup apricot jam
1/4 cup brandy
Preheat oven to 150ºC.
Warm ham in oven for 10-15 minutes until skin starts to loosen (this helps it peel off easily).
Remove from oven and increase temperature to 180ºC.
Peel off ham skin by gently pushing your fingers between skin and fat.
Use a sharp knife to lightly score the fat in diagonal cross hatches.
Insert a clove in the centre of each diamond.
Mix apricot jam with the brandy.
Place ham in a large baking dish and spread over the glaze.
Bake for 50-60 minutes, brushing with glaze from the bottom of the roasting pan every 10 or so minutes.
Best served at room temperature.