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Fennel, Cress & Smoked Fish

Don’t let the cream in this dressing deter you – it is utterly delicious. For a vegetarian version, sub out the smoked trout for a jammy egg (boiled for 6-7 minutes). This salad is particularly good alongside some boiled baby potatoes.

Prep Time

10, plus chilling mins



Salads & Sides


Gluten Free


Found in "Summer at Home"


250g smoked fish, such as trout, salmon, kahawai, or mackerel, torn into bite-sized pieces

4 radishes, ends trimmed, very thinly sliced into round

4 big handfuls fresh watercress sprigs, or rocket/arugula, tough ends discarded

1 large fennel bulbs, base and ends trimmed, very thinly sliced lengthways

additional dill flowers, and fronds, to garnish (optional)


1/4 cup cream

2 tbsp finely chopped dill

1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1/4 tsp flaky sea salt

freshly ground black pepper



To make the dressing, combine all ingredients in a jar and shake to combine. Season to taste and set aside. Cover and chill (see Notes). Let the dressing stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before using.

Prepare a large bowl with iced water. Place the radishes, watercress, and fennel in the iced water and soak until the fennel starts to curl up (15–20 minutes, if you’re tight for time, you can skip this step).

Remove the vegetables from water, shake them thoroughly, then pat dry with a towel (excess water will dilute the creamy dressing).

To serve, combine the radishes, watercress, and fennel in a large bowl.

Top with smoked fish, drizzle over the dressing, and gently toss to combine.

Garnish with additional dill fronds and flowers, if using, and sprinkle with some salt and pepper.


Use a mandoline or a very sharp knife to slice the fennel and radishes as thinly as possible. The dill dressing can be made up to 6 hours ahead.

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