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Pistachio Praline
Crunchy nut praline is a fabulous topping for special desserts and cakes and will keep in a sealed jar for weeks. You can either break into shards or blitz with a processor, I use my Kenwood Processor, up to a fine crumb.
Cook Time
20 mins
plus cooling
makes 1 cup
Special Occasions
1/2 cup unsalted pistachio nuts, shelled
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp water
Preheat your oven to 180°C fanbake and roast pistachios on an oven tray until they smell aromatic and start to split (5 minutes).
Line an oven tray or shallow oven dish with baking paper and tip nuts on top. Arrange so they are grouped together in a single layer.
Melt sugar and water in a heavy pot over a medium heat. Swirl the pot occasionally, but do not stir as this can make the mixture crystallize.
When syrup is a clear, deep golden brown, pour over the nuts on the prepared tray.
Tilt tray to spread out mixture thinly.
When cool and set hard, break into shards.
You can also make a fine praline mixture by blitzing in a food processor, or break up into chunks, place in a clean paper bag and smash into small pieces with a rolling pin.
Stored in an airtight container, praline will keep for months.